I'm making a mod that, among other things, will balance the capital ships...one thing I'd like to do is make the Jarrasul's colonize ability a bit more competitive...
What I'd like to do is have the colonize ability 1/2/3 create (temporarily) 1/2/3 constructors, and have them last for 720s...
The duration and the amount of constructors is irrelevant because I can change those easily...unfortunately, I'm having a problem getting the ability to work at all...
I looked at AbilityDeployCombatTurret (Sova's Missile batteries) and BuffCloneFrigate (Skirantra's Ultimate) to try and figure this out...
The file I am modding is BuffPlanetConstructionBoost...this originally reduced the structure build rate by 20%...I want this buff to create a vasari constructor...
I don't think the ability itself, AbilityPhaseColonizeCap, will need to be changed, but I could be wrong...
I can get the game to load, build a jarrasul, click on colonize, and then click on the planet...however, as soon as the ability is actually used, the game crashes and I get a minidump....
This is my 2nd time modding (first time I just eliminated the limit on # of SB upgrades) so I am new to this...I would appreciate any help or suggestions...
Here is my file....and here is the code in case you don't feel like downloading...
entityType "Buff"
onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
stackingLimit -1
buffExclusivityForAIType "NotExclusive"
isInterruptable FALSE
isChannelling FALSE
numInstantActions 1
buffInstantActionType "CreateFrigate"
instantActionTriggerType "OnDelay"
delayTime 0.000000
frigateType "FrigatePhaseModuleConstructor"
Level:0 1.000000
Level:1 1.000000
Level:2 1.000000
matchOwnerDamageState FALSE
impulse 350000.000000
Level:0 180.000000
Level:1 180.000000
Level:2 180.000000
numPeriodicActions 0
numOverTimeActions 0
numEntityModifiers 0
numEntityBoolModifiers 0
numFinishConditions 1
finishConditionType "AllOnDelayInstantActionsDone"