I heard/noticed that sanctify does not seem to work on home planets anymore. I was not sure if this is intentional or a bug. But if it is intended I would like to share why I think this is definitely not a good change, even if it is a way to address some particular problem.
My main reason for thinking this is bad is that it is an ad hoc change. What I mean by this is that it is an arbitrary restriction to sanctify that does not translate to other areas.
To make a comparison, suppose that you would want to adress the malice/caustic burst combo in some way. Because (let's assume for the moment) it is a bit too strong. Suppose further that the solution was to make malice work only 50% as well with caustic burst, but still at 100% capacity with everything else. I think you would agree that this restriction seems a bit arbitrary. I think the same thing goes for the new sanctify restriction.
The sanctify restriction also does not make sense thematically. If anything, advent should have even stronger unity on their home planet lore-wise. So I think restricting sanctify in this way also hurts the game's fantasy element. I for one care about that alot.
A suggestion for a better change that does not run into these issues: Make it so that sanctify does not work on larger planets unless you have sanctify at higher levels!
1. This makes it so that the change translates well to other areas. It is not just the home planet, but large planets in general that get the restriction. Thus the change would not be ad hoc.
2. It makes more sense thematically. Larger planets are greater, and therefore require more unity to be protected. The fantasy element is preserved.
Thanks for considering my suggestion.