You know, at the risk of making some enemies, and God knows I have enough, I have to say that I am extremely disappointed in the lack of participation in this thread. You would think that with all of the hoopla over the quality of what is being offered in the gallery the community would join together and try to offer good critical advice and that more folks would have utilized this opportunity to get or give help. As I look through the gallery today, I see many examples of things that are way too busy, a couple that have a high rate of pixalation, another few that the subject matter is getting a bit tedious and not one constructive comment in the lot. It reminds me of working side by side with your Boss all year thinking what a great job you are doing and then at the end of the year, you go in for your performance review and leave in tears because he proceeds to tell you how you are doing everything wrong. I know how hard it is to critique your own work because we all like to think everything we do is super, but if no one tells us different, then how are we to know? People here have become far too sensitive to anything the least bit negative being directed at their artwork and we have ended up with a whole crew of comment "whores" who go around saying how good everything is, even if they hate it. Personally, I would prefer an honest critique than a bunch of insincere hype or an extremely low rating without an explanation. Of course I am not promoting the "this is a piece of crap" type of comment but the sincere and diplomatic type of comment that makes one stop and listen and more closely examine the work in question. I am certainly not adverse to asking for help, but if I don't know that I need it, then I can't be expected to ask for it. Just a little food for thought, I guess, for anyone who reads this and truly wants to help all of us improve in what we have to offer.
Again, my sincere thanks to those who did participate and offered their advice and perspective. I would love to see this type of community effort become a permanent part of this site.
just found this thread,
my personal critique is this, i think that wallpapers with images pasted in from other pictures is just a tragedy. it looks pasted in and often looks wrong and out of place and well....looks just cheap and bad.
from my own personal experience as an artist, and growing up around people who begged me to teach them to draw, I only have one answer
and that is, if you werent born with the god given talent of being able to draw, you never will. That is harsh, but thats the truth.
Unless of course you take up donna dewberry one stroke, anyone can do that.
there are so many technical issues when you create a wallpaper, you need to have a focal point (brainiac you have too many focal points, and my eyes go dizzy trying to centre on that picture)
there are so many technical aspects to art that there are too many to mention here, but the main one is focal point, your picture needs a focal point. and be careful of images on the sides of your pictures, you need the viewer to focus on the centre, not run off the edges of the image.
its an instict you need to have (im lucky i was born with it, so i can see things others cant when it comes to art)
colour is another issue, is your picture cool or warm?
i would suggest that people who really want to get into wallpaper art that they really study the technical side of art.
you learn so many things, about lighting, focal points, points of referance ect.
i dont mean to toot my own horn, but my rockgod wallpaper is a perfect example. it has point of reference (the guitar placer) the background
smoke forces your eyes to look up and around the guitar player, but then makes you come back to the guitar player, and the mountain of skulls forces you to also look at the guitar player. the picture also deals with lighting.
i hope this helps and dosent offend anyone.
vamp xxxxx