Anyone get this feeling ?: It has been bugging me. So lately I have been playing on Iron Clad. I now have 3 wins and 0 loses and was playing my 4th game yesterday. I joined a game 3vs3. One of our team mates was being sandwiched and was getting team tagged. So me and the 3rd guy went economy and some military. IT WORKED, we fed him enough that he held them off while we sent fleets to the other guys home planets and crushed everything on the way. It turned into a 3 hours great epic battle (love this game) and was exciting. Friend came over and was watching the intense game with awe and now wants to get the game himself. So I need to help the team crush the final units and team mates on the opposing side when... everything stops all of a sudden, sound stutters after 2 minutes, keyboard locks up, and crash! the screen just went black and monitor stopped dump or what the hell is that? only this game has done this. Though I am not blaming the game here, this is not a technical thread, it might be my 500w antec PS giving out cause the GTX260 and 4gb of ram is to much for it. So than I felt guilty and bad for the crash because my team mates were counting on me. There is no way to find the game again and I was one of the leading fleets in the attack. I WAS HURT! lol
It was a good game and I felt like shit. Worst timing for a mini dump, crash, pc fail(or whatever it was).....EVER! I felt guilty for abandoning my team Anyone ever get that? It would have been my first vitory that wasn't one on one.
PS: What is with the strange Ironc Clad bot or moderater messages during the game hahaha . Out of nowhere while playing "Should I get the ban hammer out? who is being naughty?" ...
Oh and please add me on ircon clad for games as a friend .."love9sick" as name on there.
Yeah, that happened to me once. I got a blue screen. Other than that, usually when Sins crashes for one on Ironclad, it crashes for everyone else as well, so there's no blame placed on anything but the damn fuckin game. Love the game, hate the glitches and kinks. Anyway, I regularly feel remoste, but almost never guilt.
I need to get online more often! (Schedule usually doesn't allow me to play long games ) I wonder when they added that!
Well there is ICO Moderater that bans people who get out of line. Many people think they can get away with anything. Usually young kids who think they can act smartass and nothing will happen to them because their parents never beat them for anything wrong they have done int heir lives. I find the friendly ban they get may go a long way to teaching them a cardinal rule of real world, and that is that they are not in charge.
They finally implemented moderation features for ICO? Good!
ugh, just happened to me on 3v3 (with astax in the game ) and we were actually in a nice stalemate. I feel more dissapointment than guilt/remorse
Ah I thought you left cause I owned the pants off of you.
For future reference, leaving me alone for 30 minutes is... not a good idea.
All hail great ICO, a fair and just Goddess
Ha! Getting a head start on the weekend?
All hail the great idlebot!!!!
Idlebot is nothing without ICO! ICO is the true way!
Idlebot IS ICO in human form. They are one in the same.
Astax: Ah I thought you left cause I owned the pants off of you.
noted =P I tried to rush you but had to feed ally's a bit first. Too bad I didn't see the end, would have been awesome.
We shoud all build a huge gold monument to Idlebot, if only we knew what he looked like.
yea, and I really need to stop sending my fleet straight head on into a starbase haha.
Yea no kidding, I find it funny how I always remember to get the starbase upgrade only after I see someone else get one in the game. hah
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