Version 1.32 Change Log
Release Status: *** RELEASED ***
Welcome to our first update of 2025! This is a fairly small update as we focus our attention on the major changes coming with our first DLC in a couple months. For January, we’ve added new gravity wells, more planet textures, a rebalance of Exotics and Surveying, AI improvements and a bit more.
Steam Users:
This update won't work with old save games and replays but you can still play them by using the previous version:
If you wish to finish up your game on the previous version, do the following:
Select ‘Sins of a Solar Empire II’ in your Steam Library.
Click the gear icon in the upper right.
Select Properties → Betas
Select 'previous_edition' from the Beta Participation dropdown.
Steam will update you to the latest files.
To switch to latest repeat step 4 and select ‘None’
New Features
Added additional planet textures for asteroids, crystalline, desert, ferrous, moon, oceanic, and terran planets.
Updated clouds on oceanic, primordial, volcanic and other planets.
Updated gas giant ring particles.
Added Chaos Factor - This value will cause the AI to use more varied fleet sizes when attacking a player; sometimes choosing to overmatch the player, while other times underestimating the player. Higher difficulties are more likely to overmatch the player, while lower difficulties will be more likely to under-estimate the player’s fleet.
Added Capital Ship and Titan Item Build Loadouts. This allows the AI to follow preset item loadouts for its capital ships and titans, tailored specifically to that class of ship. Expect to see a lot more TEC AI capital ships make use of Flak Burst!
Updated strikecraft pursuit behavior to pursue based on the enemy’s velocity, instead of behind the actual enemy unit, to account for circle strafing.
Fixed strikecraft tendency to drift upward and outward in dogfights.
Rebalanced Exotic Refinery Unlocks:
TEC Exotic Refinery Unlock tech moved from Tier 2.5 to Tier 3.
TEC Quarnium Forging tech moved from Tier 3.5 to Tier 4.
Vasari Orbital Exotic Refinement tech moved from Tier 1.5 to Tier 2.
[1.32.1] Vasari Quarnium Forging tech moved from Tier 3 to Tier 4.
Advent Exotic Refinery Unlock tech moved from Tier 2.5 to Tier 3.
Advent Plasma Furnace Unlock tech moved from Tier 3 to Tier 3.5.
Advent Quarnium Forging Tech moved from Tier 3.5 to Tier 4.
Survey Rebalance:
Massive and excessive over-extraction across the galaxy has invoked a new shortage of planetary Exotics! We are greatly reducing sources of Guaranteed Exotics from Survey, while increasing the chance to acquire a Bonus Exotic when surveying. Several planets are also being adjusted in the type of Exotics they give. This should slow down the onset of capital ship spam and titan rushing somewhat; and give more early game space for smaller ships to operate. High value planets now give more Exotics overall compared to common planets, ensuring they are appropriately valued territory.
If only one number is listed, it is either unchanged or a new value.
Asteroid Survey Level 1
Bonus Exotics: Tauranite changed from 15% to 10%, Indurium from 20% to 30%, Kalanide from 15% to 10%.
Ice Asteroid Survey Level 1
Ship Graveyard Survey Level 1
Moon Survey Level 1
Moon Survey Level 2 removed.
Ice Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Kalanide 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Indurium 5% to 10%, Kalanide 10% to 30%, Andvar 0% to 10%.
Ice Survey Level 2 [1.32.1]
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Kalanide 1.
Bonus Exotics changed from Indurium 10% to 20%, Kalanide 15% to 10%, Andvar 0% to 20%.
Ice Survey Level 3 removed.
Primordial Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed to Tauranite 10%, Indurium 10%, Andvar 5% to 30%.
Primordial Survey Level 2
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed to Tauranite 15%, Indurium 15%, Andvar 5% to 45%.
Primordial Survey Level 3
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Andvar 1.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 20% to 35%, Indurium 20% to 35%, Andvar 5%.
Volcanic Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Tauranite 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 10% to 30%, Indurium 5% to 20%.
Volcanic Survey Level 2 [1.32.1]
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Tauranite 1.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 15% to 10%, Indurium 10% to 40%.
Volcanic Survey Level 3 removed.
Crystalline Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Kalanide 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Kalanide 25% to 30%, Andvar 5% to 15%, Quarnium 0% to 5%.
Crystalline Survey Level 2
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Kalanide 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Kalanide 25% to 45%, Andvar 20% to 25%, Quarnium 0% to 5%.
Crystalline Survey Level 3
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Kalanide 1, Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed fromKalanide 25% to 5%, Andvar 35% to 65%, Quarnium 0% to 5%.
Crystalline Survey Level 4
Changed: Guaranteed exotics Kalanide 2, Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Kalanide 25% to 5%, Andvar 50% to 35%, Quarnium 0% to 35%.
Ferrous Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 5% to 10%, Indurium 25% to 30%, Kalanide 0% to 10%.
Ferrous Survey Level 2
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 20% to 15%, Indurium 25% to 45%, Kalanide 0% to 15%.
Ferrous Survey Level 3
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Tauranite 1 to 0, Indurium 1.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 35%, Indurium 25% to 5%, Kalanide 0% to 35%.
Ferrous Survey Level 4 removed.
Desert Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Indurium 25% to 15%, Kalanide 20% to 15%, Andvar 5% to 45%.
Desert Survey Level 2
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Kalanide 1 to 0, Andvar 1.
Bonus Exotics changed from Indurium 30% to 35%, Kalanide 20% to 35%, Andvar 5%.
Desert Survey Level 3
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Kalanide 1 to 0, Andvar 1.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 0% to 20%, Indurium 35% to 25%, Kalanide 20% to 25%, Andvar 5%.
Desert Survey Level 4
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 1 to 0, Kalanide 1 to 0, Andvar 2.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 0% to 40%, Indurium 40% to 15%, Kalanide 20% to 15%, Andvar 5%, Quarnium 5% to 0%.
Desert Survey Level 5
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 1 to 0, Kalanide 2 to 0, Andvar 2.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 0% to 55%, Indurium 45% to 5%, Kalanide 20% to 5%, Andvar 5%, Quarnium 5%.
Oceanic Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 25% to 0%, Indurium 5% to 30%, Kalanide 0% to 10%, Andvar 20% to 10%.
Oceanic Survey Level 2
Changed: Guaranteed exotics Indurium 1 to 0, Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 30% to 0%, Indurium 5% to 45%, Kalanide 0% to 15%, Andvar 20% to 15%.
Oceanic Survey Level 3
Changed: Guaranteed exotics Tauranite 1 to 0, Indurium 1, Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 35% to 0%, Indurium 5%, Kalanide 0% to 35%, Andvar 20% to 35%.
Oceanic Survey Level 4
Added: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 2.
Added: Bonus Exotics Indurium 5%, Kalanide 35%, Andvar 35%.
Terran Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 20% to 10%, Indurium 5% to 20%, Kalanide 0% to 10%, Andvar 25% to 10%.
Terran Survey Level 2
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Tauranite 1 to 0, Indurium 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 20% to 15%, Indurium 5% to 30%, Kalanide 0% to 15%, Andvar 30% to 15%.
Terran Survey Level 3
Changed: Guaranteed Exotics Tauranite 1 to 0, Indurium 1, Andvar 1 to 0.
Bonus Exotics changed to Tauranite 20%, Indurium 5% to 15%, Kalanide 0% to 20%, Andvar 35% to 20%.
Terran Survey Level 4
Added: Guaranteed Exotics Indurium 2.
Bonus Exotics changed to Tauranite 20%, Indurium 15%, Kalanide 20%, Andvar 20%.
Gas Giant Survey Level 1
Gas Giant Survey Level 2
Gas Giant Survey Level 3
Gas Giant Survey Level 4
Gas Giant Survey Level 5
Pirate Base Survey Level 1
Changed: Guaranteed exotics Andvar 5.
Bonus Exotics changed from Tauranite 15% to 10%, Indurium 20% to 30%, Kalanide 15% to 10%.
Planet Item Rebalance:
Titan Cost Rebalance
[1.32.1] Advent Unity Rebalance
Wrath faction Chastise ability changes:
Reborn faction Sanctify ability changes:
Reborn faction Cleanse ability changes:
Iconus Guardian:
Durability reduced from 300 to 200.
Hull Points reduced from 950 to 750.
Armor increased from 50 to 80.
Exoria Illuminator:
[1.32.1] Research Cost Rebalance
TEC Garrison Recruitment: Exotic cost increased from 0 to 1 Indurium.
TEC Garrison Expansion: Exotic cost increased from 0 to 1 Indurium.
TEC Fulfillment Warehouse Unlock: Exotic cost increased from 0 to 1 Andvar.
[1.32.1] Capital Ship Exotic Rebalance
Audio [1.32.1]
These value tweaks should see ships remain in Neutral emotion state more often, only becoming scared when significantly outnumbered. However, they will also require less of a degree of outnumbering the enemy before becoming Smug.
Crippled enemy Supply threshold for Scared state changed from 50 to 1000.
Scared Supply ratio changed from 0.66 to 0.5.
Smug Supply ratio change from 1.5 to 1.33.
Lowered requirement to unlock ‘Strength of Our Predecessors’ achievement from 4 artifacts to 3.
Lowered requirement to unlock ‘Don’t Fix What Never Broke’ achievement from 4 artifacts to 3.
Disabled achievements when a human takes over for an AI player in a multiplayer game.
Updated Scenarios list - will now point new players to easier maps to get started with.
Fixed assert in achievement manager.
Added game analytics to help us tell what works and what doesn’t to improve gameplay.
Fixed bug where TEC Enclave Garrison Recruitment Centers couldn’t produce units if any factory was creating units. Unused factories should now properly build garrison ships if nothing is queued to them.