Hi, loving the game so far!
Unfortunately, I've encountered a strange problem. Every time I launch the game (i.e. click play in the launcher) it force restarts my PC. strangely, I figured out that if you validate the game files through Steam; it says one is missing and downloads a 40kb file. When I do this, the game runs perfectly until I shut down the PC at the end of the session and then it goes back to the force restarts again the next time I use the PC. This means I have to validate the game files every time I wish to play the game, which, while a functional workaround, is not ideal.
I'm currently in the process of re-installing the game (as I assume you'll ask me to do that haha) and will update this post if that fixes anything.
I should also state that I have 0 mods installed, and this is a fresh, 100% vanilla install of the game where this is happening.
While it's not a major problem because of the work around, I found, I figured there was no harm putting it on the devs radar.