During most games, I mostly use a specific configuration of ship items for each capital ship class. As I generally play a very capital ship-heavy build most games with mods that increase the logistics cap by an order of magnitude can add up to more than 30 minutes of game time simply picking out the same set of items for my ships and starbases over and over again which can be quite taxing on my patience.
Whilst I do enjoy the ship item feature and do not think it should be removed it needs a macro tool to allow players to manage it easily and with a minimum of time expended doing the same thing over and over again.
What I propose is a templating tool that can carry over between games. The way I imagine it in the military tab where you can see all your capital ships and starbases next to the part that shows all the items your capital ships had equipped there would be a button that would allow you to access templates/loadouts of the ship items and allow you to save the selected ships current loadout as a template. from this menu, such templates could be applied individually to other ships & starbases or applied to all capital ships of the same type as far as the player's resources allow.
I do believe that this system would be a massive QOL improvement for the game as it stands, significantly reducing the amount of time needed to manage what can be one of the most repetitive, and not in a good way, parts of the game as it stands.
it is my firm belief that micro-intensive systems in the game are beneficial for the game, especially for those who like to play around with such systems, and I in no way advocate for the removal of such systems there have to be macro tools available to the players to help manage such systems and prevent them from getting too repetitive.
I hope the development team will take this message into account going forward as I do love this game and only want to see it get better as it progresses.