This ruins the game honestly so many people are suffering from the tempest lag. I know some people dont suffer at all and it seems to be connected to the cpu. but honestly this is the type of thing that can make people quite the game!
as soon as someone spams about 80+ tempest and they are in a fight the game becomes unplayable!
it becomes like 1fps literally everything is stuck trying to zoom in or out happens with delay and goes to the wrong planet. the game becomes just unplayable!
its not normal that I can play the entire game even with many players involved and 2/3/4 hours into the game. but as soon as someone spams tempest even 30 min into the game I cant play anymore, and I am not the only one.
I am a sins1 veteran and I am not going to give up on the game because of this but honestly if I was someone just checking this game out I would quite and tell people not to buy the game. its 1 unit that make more lag then anything else. better it didnt exist!!
imagine the frustration of spending 30/40/50 min just to lose in 2 min unable to do anything because you jumped into a fight and someone else spammed this unit. its just horrible.
It can even happen that some other fight is happening where tempest are involved and the fight you are fighting is unplayable because of the tempest fight going on in anther side of the map.
I am not playing on the newest computer but an i7 9750h with 6 cores 12 threads is not a bad cpu. the recommended setting for sins says i7 9xxx series should be optimal.
I am writing this from deep frustration and annoyance, its not reasonable that one unit in the game changes the cpu requirement for the game and I am sure many share the same frustration with me.
hopefully devs can get this fixed.
I just want to mention that this happens regardless of the graphics settings the settings can be maxed out or on the lowest settings or anywhere in the middle, believe me I tried everything and nothing helps.