SOLVED - likely a intel CPU issue, was resolved by updating BIOS to a version that accounts for the extra serving of jank intel has decided to include in all their new CPUs.
I've tried 3 separate games now, size ranging from 3-10 players. Every single game begins crashing sometime between 1:00-1:30 of game-clock time in the save.
The crashes then start happening randomly every 2-10 mins, some crashes are straight to desktop, some crashes hang the entire system and the PC just reboots itself (never seen any kind of crash/error screen via the game or windows). As soon as this happens once, the save is shot. Load into it again and I have a guaranteed crash a few minutes later. If Instead I start a brand new game crashes go away once again until 1:00-1:30 in game time before crashes start happening.
I've updated drivers, tried changing to the test patch in steam, disabled v-syn/variable refresh rate, turned down the settings the crashes persist.
Playing on steam, windows 11, 3080ti, 13700k, 64GB Ram.
Anyone have any idea what's causing this? I've wasted ~8h at this point playing the slow part of the game, only for every. single. save. to start doing this as soon as the games good. Happy to post save/log files, just provide instructions.