After playing the beta and now some games, I am really a little bit disappointed how this shaped up at release.
Just my thoughts:
1) Early game in Sins 1 was more entertaining and challenging as pirates were active. I am missing this. In all my games the AI was also quite passive, even so I am primarily focussing still on building capital ships and playing first more defensively till I reach critical mass. E.g. new option could be small restistance break-outs from time to time in systems where you don't have 100% culture, sufficient ships, ...
2) On larger maps minor factions functions to deploy fleets are greatly limited due to the max distance. Example: titans of cimitar
3) In all my games (up to unfair) AI is lacking aggresiveness and is for example very reluctant to attack starbases. I have not yet seen that a fully build out TEC starbase was destroyed
4) For colonization victory a warning is missing to notify players, when an other player reaches this point, so that you have still some time to react. Or add a timer how long majority needs to maintained
5) TEC Garrision does not recruit the Gauss gun frigate Kalev
6) Overall I have still the feeling that AI is not focussing fire power enough on critical targets and is not willing enough to take looses to inflict damage (especially late game)
7) Just noticed that the link for players guide on main menu just leads to empty page in Wiki:
8) Best Win on maps seems not to be tracked. At least none show up for me. (Even so I have won 3 or 4 games, which I played to the end).
9) Please remember settings for how I setup maps in respect to AI players. it is annoying to redo at least while the game is running and I may start another game with similar setup.
So now I think I will give it one last spin, before waiting for updates