I am seeing lots of great art here... whats everyone's favorite ai tools to use?
Hi PhoenixRising1.
For me its NightCafe, i have found this gives me all the Tools I Need, I Always Choose A "Striking" Style(there are so many to choose from) and Dreamshaper XL Lighting(again many to choose from). I Always Start With A Short Runtime(How Long The AI Works Before Giving An Image), If my Prompt was a Good One, I Hit Medium, then Long Runtimes, this should give better and Better Images , Always choosing 16:9 Aspect Ratio, as my goal is to create Desktop Wallpapers. Then Based On The Theme Or Windowblind i am creating images for, I Slightly Change My Prompt, maybe changing a few words (usually a colour word, one may Say, Blue, or Red or Green, This way i am future proofing My Images so each colour creation can be used with each Theme( i need to do this as The Themes i use are never just done in 1 colour, i may make several colour variations). Mostly For Me, If I Get A Great Image, i do 3 editions from each runtime In Gold And White, Red And Blue. Finally, The Very Best Images Get The Upscale Treatment So All The Detail Pops Out When i choose to use them as wallpapers, so i upscale X5.
The whole site runs by credits, you can either go Pro and Buy Credits, but taking part in the sites Activities awards you credits thick and fast the more you take part, the more credits you are awarded. I enjoy taking part, so i have around 600 credits right now.
Example 1 . Based on My Presets Your first image can only cost half a credit on a short runtime, then if its a good one, 3 more credits To Upscale It, then if you choose to publish it, others can gift you credits based on how good they judge your work, or you can enter the image into any number of Challenges or Competitions, if others like your work and they award you points, then if that image wins a top spot in the compo, you can easily amass lots of credits. Totally Hooked Right Now and Loving what i can come up with. Not Every Image turns out well or how you intended it, but as long as you still publish it, other may rate it more highly than you and you get even more credits.