Hello Devs,
I have noticed that certain alerts never, or randomly do not play.
Since I started playing the game I have not heard any alerts from my PSIDAR. For TEC in the old days I would hear "COMSTAT detects inbound hostiles!" but I haven't heard it once. (I will hear "Hostiles have arrived!" when the ships appear in the gravity well.)
Not sure if its a bug, but we used to get Novalith construction warnings, but no longer do. That could be intended for SINS2.
I could have sworn we got Titan constructions start warnings, but I am not sure. I do know we get warnings about Titans being completed, but I am not always getting those alerts. There other day the TEC Loyalist Titan showed up in my gravity well and I was completely unprepared due to PSIDAR not working, and the Titan complete audio alert not playing. To be clear the Titan one is inconsistent. I have gotten it a times.
These are the only alerts I have noticed. If anyone else has alerts that do not play feel free to add them. I do not play Vasari, so there could be some there as well.
Thanks for all the hard work!