1) Will there be artifacts from Sins 1?
2) Will all races have superweapons, even TEC loyalists?, despite the fact that they adhere to defensive principles, will they have a unique superweapon?
3) What date will the update be released? I really love Advent and I'm really looking forward to it, in what month of winter will they come out?
4) How often will the units be balanced
5) The culture in Sins 1 was a good thing, Advent literally struggled with them, will there be more special mechanics and cultural influences? Especially with Advent?
6) Will the neutral zones return from Sins 1? (Magnetic Storm, Wormhole, Asteroid Debris)
1) Make a customizable interface color, it's holographic, my friends playing for Vasari would like to play with a yellow and especially with a red interface, agree, playing for demons with an angelic interface is strange, isn't it?
2)Make an updated interface in the style of Sins 1, I liked the Advent framework, so clean, so beautiful (In the settings, make a choice between a holographic and a classic interface
3) Create new neutral zones (black holes, etc.).
4) I'm crazy, I love pirates, URGENTLY give the pirates more cruelty and more interaction with them
5)Addition of point 4, to give pirates unique large ships and even a titan at the best moments (And this is not discussed (For many years 3 great races have humiliated pirates, but it's time to fix it)) PS ☠☠☠The Titan may simply be at the pirate base, not intending to leave it.
Here is a short list
I hope for a detailed answer to every question and suggestion