It is the best design there is, I dont understand why you wouldnt loveit !!! 
Isnt it reminiscent somewhat of those corellian gunships, corvettes somewhat ?
Anything related to Startrek, personally, the only thing I remember was that disk with two pipes. (25+ years ago) And I think it is for the best. Im no westerner, so for me it was 'weird 'Sheet'', best treated in a treasure manner: You dig a hole and bury it. Never to be found again. 
You could say it makes for a flatter target in 3D
but really, I think it looks somewhat too flatty, like it underwent a heavy press treatment.
Come on, how can you have a divisive opinion ? In a proper Democratic (R) Society, only Democratic (R)-approved opinion is legal. One smells an agent of the Bugs, I mean Vasari. Maybe those ships after all are meant to be capable of endo-atmospheric flight and even belly landing.
What say you of Cobalt model ? It is too now a flattened model, with two guns in the front, mostly useless when trying to chase things, as it often flies in parallel, meaning, on targets that do not stop,(say trying to leave grav well) it will not fire and only tag along, due to those two guns, acting as a single weapon, that cant turn. Flattened ships when they take up less space can be more easily massed, causing less pathing issues.
I wonder how Orkulus starbase would look after a Press treatment, perhaps similar to Enterprise plus 6 pipes instead of 2.
Cobalt having a turret on top and below would be able to have a 360 radius, having two essentially immovable with mediocre output, still, acting as just one weapon, It reminds of tank destroyers or self propelled guns that were usually carrying heavier than turreted guns because much space and complexity was saved. Sure it follows in 1-directional, unmaneuverable dps platform of SoaSE:R. But as far as usability and usefulness goes ? But if they had those turrets, those corvettes wouldnt be able to flank.
If they were more maneuverable, had pathing such that would allow them to align their point of aim to a point, where their target is heading, such design problems would be mitigated. Many other sources of dps tend not to have such immobility probems due to turrets, plus turrets actually carrying heavier stuff.
Back to Javelis, I dont view it good or bad, the old one I looked for a few images, one was from the side, it looked weird/bad. Instead of missiles silos point at target, they could have in a submarine fashion shot from below and from above
Maybe they would land on their sides then
After looking at the old, the new one even after Press treatment seems better to me at least. Vertical launch could be used to target things anywhere, so in order to be able to be flanked, you have to give them design flaws