So, it is not that they did nothing wrong, because nothing wrong would mean flawless scripting, no bugs, no broken placeholders. That is clearly incorrect.
The game is in early access. By definition, nothing is finished or flawless or whatever. It's part of buying an early access game...
They'd rather get stuff out sooner with placeholders than wait for months extra and don't get feedback. They probably then only gave this information on Discord, which is a shame. It would be wise to share those insights and workflow here as well. Blair recently posted around trade, so they do sometimes do that. Discord is the best place to interact with the devs (unfortunately).
Btw, the gauss/carrier items is was not a bug on the test branch, but when they updated the main build it got introduced. Definitely a big one, honestly one of the few 'actual mistakes' imo. It's by far the most reported thing I've seen for Sins 2 so far.
Of course it is in early access and I expect unfinished stuff. What I do not like is categorical claims they did 'nothing' wrong. Because it seemed to me like an assault on the person writing previously, indirectly saying to shut up, all is great, how dare you 'steal my childhood'
(that one individual apparently drowning in money her whole life) how dare you say something critical. That is trying to stifle others ability to express freely, something I cant stand. Not that I love hearing when somebody says something about my person what I dont necessarily like, but proper, constructive criticism is vital, even if it is not something comfortable.
(That is the reason for me saying how all is 'fine', to contradict what you seemed to imply. For the sake of free expression. Not like I got permabanned from Steam because Im supposedly toxic, troll and what ever they dont like to hear there. They called my right to free expression as a privelege that they decided that they have the right to limit, something I do not agree to, nor will I ever. Im not their slave, their subordinate or subject, even if they'd love that.)
I dont login to the Store every day, but at least the last time I checked, was that the both versions were the same version.
So, I assume the bug is how old ? 2 weeks ? Patches come out monthly as of late, so having to wait 2 more weeks, is not something I exactly look forward to, but at the same time new assets are being made etc. So yes, I am critical somewhat, sometimes more/less, but the version I played previously ? 2 months ago I think. Sure, I do look forward to things getting fixed.
And as for Discord, I do not submit to any of those 'community guidelines' that seek to limit the so-called Overton window, because I do not like to being controlled like a herd of what I called not nicely as lemmings. I try for the most part
to behave well, but I do not let other people to control my big picture. That is why I am able to form my own thoughts without necessarily becoming a copy of the next person, if I were to subscribe and abide by such freedom-limiting guidelines, or rules. Just because they are private means absolutely nothing, it is subject to US or other law and basically a part of that state entity, them denying connection because they are private ? I do not fall for that.(like censorship being privatized doesnt mean it is not state controlled really
like state cant make fake private entities)
A bit of an explanation to my stance, I hope that that derogatory term 'lemming' is not taken personally. Groupthink is dangerous and destructive everywhere. When you have very limited topics of discussion, you get some people who try to control group cohesion, what you can and cant say, what is off topic or even a taboo. An example, I got censored, disapperaed from Steam, you remove all the people who do not abide to some made up current fake moral outrage, (tied to faking virtue, but signaling subordination) you leave the impression of everything being well. All that remain say all is good, approve of each other and then it spirals to extremes. Subjective reality is taken for objective reality. Ability to differ one from another is lost and all the happy bandwagon always, as a rule it met with the light at the end of a tunnel. The light being that of an approaching loaded train.
Say that on a tightly controlled forum, where you get loads of people either faking, or being genuinely outraged about some things I stated here, (especially after undergoing brainwashing ('education') programmes) some of which are not something pleasant to talk about, but even necessary from time to time. If you cant discuss something, then that means your personal freedom is not respected. You are most likely taken as a mass. A part of x y z without a personality your own in such a case.
But just in case my posts cause some unease to what is being posted by me, I'm not planning to get into further detail, especially since it is a game forum