Read the bottom two lines of this tool tip. (I am hovering over a stack of skirmishers).
Thanks for your reply and showing the concrete example. Looks good to have that choice.
A few suggestions:
1. Maybe the two commands could be phrased more accurately/clearly? For instance:
Spread fire across units in this stack
Focus fire on one unit at time [in this stack]
2. Is it really right click and hold ALT? Normally, it would be Hold ALT and right click, no? That's of course assuming that the info card is for the targets rather than the player's own units.
3. Does or could this also apply to abilities? As in left click on the ability and then either RC or RC + ALT on target stack to spread or focus apply ability.
Moving slightly away from that specific command, I had another request. Left clicking multiple times on the players own stack starts selecting multiple individual units with the stack itself. That is, if i left click (or maybe shift + LC) that stack 5 times, I select 5 units within the stack. Could be useful when fleets are still smaller and one wants to quickly give different commands to parts of a stack, like splitting it off to a different fleet or just simply attack different specific targets. Maybe a bit niche but could help, if not too much trouble to implement.