Possible late-game technology to counter Vasari's phase gates/sw
Charged Engines: (Rebels)
- Upon exiting phase space, engines are boosted for a short period of time.
- Acceleration +15%
- Ship speed +15%
- Duration 20 secs
- Possible side tec that requires afterburners first, Kodiaks
Regenerative Alloy:(Loyalist)
- New studies in nuclear physics have allowed for lighter armor while gaining the ability to maintain its shape.
- Mass reduction +5%
- Hull Regeneration +10%(Max regeneration instead of base regen)
Pscionic Stabilizer (Structure/Harmony Tree): (Rebels)
- Focused Scionic energy allows for increased ship speed in friendly territory/radius
- Ship speed +20%
- Max Antimater 300
- Antimatter Cost 100
- Duration 15
- Cooldown 20
Force Projection: (Loyalist)
- While in your culture, engines become overcharged
- Speed boost 5-10%