Hi Heretic,
Thanks for the feedback. The design of the TEC is intended to be civilian and platformy so on one hand I'm happy that you picked up on that but the other hand I understand it isn't your preference.
Before I dive into the details, I think you may much prefer the Vasari and Advent designs as they are far less boxy and their weapons are elegantly integrated into the hulls (as opposed to tacked on platforms).
Now with regard to the TEC, both the civilian and platformy look derive directly from the TEC lore - they didn't have any military ships when the Vasari arrived. They quickly used what they had and tacked on weapons and armor. There are a number of places that outline various components of the story (reading material and videos) - e.g the Marza was basically a mining rig, the Dunov was a cargo freighter, and the Akkan was a luxury civilian transport, etc. I've included some writeups below if you are interested. (Taken from the original manual).
As for the up/down comments: for the ships in which we don't want blind spots we try to make sure they have top/underside weapons or the turrets have sufficient vertical coverage -if they are intended to have roughly equal coverage in both directions we bias their placement to the top to improve signaling to the player as most play top-down. More importantly we intentionally design some ships to have blind spots as that's part of the counter-graph.
For example the Marza has intentional blind spots in every direction but straight forward as he is intended to be far back from most of the action and behaving more like artillery.
Marza forward firing vs blind spots

On the other hand we have ships that are meant to help cover blind spots of other ships in order promote ship specialization and fleet diversity. For example we've attached a bunch of point defense to the underside of the Dunov because as a support ship, part of his job is to protect the fleet from fighters and missiles in that direction.
Dunov underside point defense

Its not visible here on the forums but on the sins2 discord we received lots of reports of ships not being able to hit where they are supposed to and we've adjusted accordingly. The community has been great for finding those. For example we had reports that the underside gauss cannon on the Kol wasn't able to tilt properly to hit its targets and we had to make adjustments as those weren't intended blind spots. If you find any specific case we'll happily take a look.
Kol underside firing arc was bugged.

Finally, if you wouldn't mind, could you attach a screenshot with a 2d menu overlay that causes severe drops in FPS. We'd love to get that fixed.
Again, thanks for the feedback!
Marza Dreadnought
With modest beginnings as a small planetoid destruction and recovery workhorse, the Marza-class
dreadnought is the pinnacle of TEC military retrofitting engineering and is the most recent addition to
the TEC arsenal. Immediately recognizable by its spinal mounted siege cannons, the Marza can bring
crushing firepower to bear on hostile empires‘ settlements.
Dunov Battlecruiser
The recent and unexpected arrival of hostile forces in TEC systems meant that constructing a sufficiently
large fleet of warships from scratch was impossible. With desperate times calling for desperate
measures, TEC engineers began cannibalizing parts of the large civilian merchant fleet as a quick
means to militarization. In spite of its cargo freighter heritage, Dunov-class battlecruisers make a
respectable and welcome addition to TEC battle groups.
Akkan Battlecruiser
Even in this modern age of faster than light travel, traversing between star systems can still take
months. While military personnel grudgingly accept the cramped quarters of their warships, the
distinctive biodomes of Akkan-class battlecruisers suggest civilian colonists are less compromising
with their comfort on long voyages. With the risk of combat now ever-present, the Akkan design was
outfitted with additional weapons and a modest fighter bay.