Now Available
We're mid-way through November and development has been iterating internally based on the feedback we've gotten from players. This is a stability update to resolve issues we saw from the initial release while the team continues to work on December's larger update which includes new content.
NOTE: This update is not save game compatible.
Change Log:
- Added ability to bid on NPC auctions with exotics
- Added input key mappings to settings folder
- Located in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\sins2_pre_alpha\settings\input_bindings.json
- Will be hooked into the game GUI at a later date
- Added setting to have the Escape key open the escape menu
- Added social link buttons
- Added the ability to execute commands while the game is paused
- Added alert to help track down save game corruption
- Added auto-save of recorded games on errors
- Added localized names for strikecraft_kinds
- Added research prerequisite for targeting array
- Added version label to front end
- Fixed assert within try_auto_save_recording
- Fixed assert (!_is_mouse_button_down[mouse_button])
- Fixed bug in AI guard mission priority
- Fixed corrupt damage being added
- Fixed crash when clicking on a trade port ability button before upgraded
- Fixed crash if you clicked a notification with a released unit
- Fixed crash in fleet_info adding units without health
- Fixed crash querying required planet level
- Fixed crash when saving the game while an auction is active
- Fixed crash when some AI players removed from lobby
- Fixed crash with auto-save recording
- Fixed flaw in AI bid evaluation algorithm
- Fixed font alert due to unicode characters in names
- Fixed move segment lines not showing up when giving orders while paused
- Fixed Salvage Kit effect bindings
- Fixed scouts taking paths that the player does not know the existance of
- Fixed some weapon to effect alias name bindings
- Fixed strikecraft launch order from not always working
- Fixed unit item actions not matching max potential slots
- Fixed use-NPC reward targeting not auto-closing NPC window
- Fixed various Epic Online Services and overlay issues
- Blocked being able to start a game with only one player
- Changed user interface order lines to be real-time based
- Improved DPI initialization
- Improved notification cards
- Improved NPC auction bid tooltips
- Improved save game interactions
- Improved some error descriptions to help track down outstanding issues
- Improved various tooltip data presentation, layout, and behaviors
- Increased default snap_to_unit_zoom_target_distance_to_cursor
- Increased notification cards min velocity
- Mapped pause game to Backspace key along with the Pause key
- Moved exotic hotkey (F4) after NPC markets hotkey (F2) to match the top bar button order
- Moved set phase lane and trade port to ability buttons
- Moved set rally point to unit factory window
- Moved set trade port on ships to the ability window
- Changed it so the game will now pause if the escape menu is open in single-player
- Renamed entity files to be strongly typed
- Simplified Finest Hour and Desperation buffs
- Switched Missile Guidance Computer and Rapid Autoloader to use buff modifier redirection to improve their tooltips
- Changed toggle_npc_markets_window off of caps_lock
- Updated EOS SDK to v1.15.3
- Updated game to use Epic display name for user name if found