Onyx- Love the prometheus stone extractor. perfect for them, tyvm for that. prometheon stars also seem much more common now, ty again for that
tripple hp might be a little op now though... since their lore says they're excellent asteroid miners, i would like to suggest again that they have the "experienced" ability traded out for archeologist, but have the archeologist mining boost lowered. this would give the onyx the extra production they need, esp at the start, to help counter that low growth rate and no growth rate increase policy, but wouldnt make those tripple hp ships too op later on with bigger hulls and hp % boosts. this would give this race other good tactics besides just attack as quickly as possible with those big ships to take over planets in order to counter that low starting growth rate.
Navigators- i've really been liking these dune loving space bears. again though, i do think that the archeologist mining needs to be reduced, but give them a little more asteroids in their starting star system. that mining part should really be included in their race description somewhere though, it's like their best, most valuable trait and people have no idea they have it. I think their starting world setup should be changed a bit though... either just make it a desert planet
or keep it what it is and take out some of the starfaring range and replace it with a resistance to pollution. they look so much like tardigrades that i think they deserve a resistance to pollution anyway.
Baratak- the Solar Wind ship doesnt actually give a -50% to decay, it's closer to 30%. their spore ability is my fav one in the game but i still dont think it should work on gas giants if that's possible, and maybe start with at least 1 extra charge again. this would help to spread out those really good class 5 planets so you cant put so many right next to a few core worlds, which is the real op part of that ability.
loving the game, thanks again everyone!!