I've played a few games on this version and am loving the updates.
Apologies if any of these notes are listed elsewhere.
1/ My rig (gaming laptop) runs on full fan, even when I am doing nothing in the game or in a different window. This starts a few hundred turns into the game, then it just gets slower and slower.
This was observed on the default galaxy size.
Full rig details available on request.
2/ Text in almost all contexts is overlapping the borders and jumping around the screen
3/ Tooltips seem to show out of date information, especially on multiple-choice dialogs
4/ The limit to 5 random tech choices, especially without a tech tree, is a killer - and for me, one that will put me off the game. The penalty on research for generating new techs which may be worse is unfair - it should be free for the first X tries
5/ There are -way- too many space creatures to be fun and they seem far too powerful - I had to restart many times as my starting ships kept getting killed off when I was surrounded by them
6/ I had an AI spam influence bases which seemed invulnerable, rendering their planets impossible to take as the bases flipped them back quickly
7/ Mentioned elsewhere, but it is really difficult to find how to increase logistics with random tech and no tech tree
8/ Mentioned elsewhere, but the point of control seems highly limited - why aren't control points used to gain leaders instead of much-needed currency?
9/ The game badly needs the return of the galactic trader
10/ AI trading seems very unbalanced right now - offering randomly terrible deals and not accepting seemingly great deals even at good relations
11/ The multi-system idea seems cool, but you end up focussing on your home system and an AI in another system storms to victory before you can get a foothold - players need to be better spread out, and the system travel tech needs to be a default, otherwise a player can be in a system on their own and take it over completely
12/ Ship upgrades are nice, but get very boring very quickly - being unable to do the same upgrade indefinitely feels silly. Crew quarters improving HP also feels silly.
13/ Multi-purpose starbases are really cool., but the need for modules & crystals cripples expansion
14/ Having a battle take place with the loss of your ships and absolutely no feedback is no fun
15/ I loved the drag & drop prioritisation at first - but it gets very cumbersome - bring back move up/move down buttons please
16/ Why are the keyboard arrow keys disabled for map movement?
17/ Default map movement is very sluggish
18/ Advisors give really bad advise - like telling you to colonise a world you don't have the tech for, or telling you to build a colony ship when you can't see a colonisable planet
19/ Needs a contextual in-game issue report button
20/ The loader returning to the store when you open a game from the library is really annoying when you are restarting regularly
21/ Will early access purchases carry over to Steam?
22/ When will we be able to save the starting trait decisions? It is really annoying having to enter them every restart
23/ I had this in 3 sometimes, but the guns sometimes fire from off the side of the map across the whole map instead of ship to ship
24/ There -needs- to be an option to stop asteroid miners if you are sure you want them to mine!
=> a "mine nearest" option would be cool - explore the automatic ship options for each ship type
25/ How on earth do you invade "core worlds" - I was some way down the invisible tech tree, but still no transports
26/ Why is there a difference between core worlds & colonies for invasion anyway?
27/ It is often not clear what you need to do to complete missions, and when they involve research there needs to be a button to pin that tree as a bonus for finding the mission rather than being at the mercy of the random engine
28/ Is gamepad support planned?
29/ Graphic options seem to be limited - could use being able to lower the minimum a little further with the current GPU consumption
30/ When you capture a planet, the fleet settles in for a rest and drops off your radar. Would be good if it stayed on the alert list until you told it to go to sleep there