I dont talk mush and wont talk ,but you will always receive from me and rest founders like me , all the respect from your team work thats quite impressive.
Im a TA fan and rest series, but not point discuss with them about that game.
Im 100% against strategic zoom with icons and finaly i see a team try evolve that step.
I see a a team with good professionals in this industry, that have great ideas ,keep us all the inf about the game we need.
Can i ask you to not answer again when TA or Supreeme commander or FAF fans comments comes up ,we need think only on this game but i understand you.
To us (you) TA-SCFA FAF fans i ask you all plz understand this game,they now what you all want but you all on rong foruns to talk about it .
AOTS its the closest game since FA but its a diferent game to bether in other prespective gameplay.
So plz try give the right and positive feedback or plz just dont.
Lets all meet on battle and until there help in all we can on this game ,be on UI ,mapeditor,lobby,ranked,balanced units or more units wtever you think its bether on your comment here, to help this game and this fantastic team ,make AOTS bether.