So the dev stream starts with the Exodus trailer lol "waiting for add to drop" lol
Issues mentioned in the stream:
Graying ideology is reproducible in many games after a certain point, many people have been able to reproduce and see this.
Tool tips or other issues with bad text scrolling/cropping issues.
See attached picture below ticket created as was able to reproduce loading saved game #CYD-930-99032

Question 1: That hasn't come up. In Galactic Civilizations II Twilight of Arnor the Yor had a dampening effect in their ZOA where the top speed of ships would be reduced. Is this going to continue in Galactic Civilizations III?
Question 2: A while back I had suggested using resources as a requirement or need for additional terraforming options. Paul said he liked the suggestion but haven't seen or heard anything on if this may happen? Thoughts?
Question 3 (possible bug): Abundant habitable planets seem to be bad/broken in 0.61, I've selected this option in several games the first 18 stars I came across only 5 had habitable planets one of which had 2. To me abundant habitable planets should be 1 on almost all stars with several with 2, 3 or 4? Am I incorrect? This appears to be an issue where it's set to something else for one game you exit to menu and go back in change to abundant and start new game it doesn't apply correctly to the next game.
Question 4 (possible bug): Abundant anomalies also seem to be broken in 0.61, Also selected this where with in several turns of my home world I have only come across 1 anomaly. I would imagine this with rare or uncommon, but abundant I should have no problem finding one at the beginning of the game on almost every turn. Maybe this will change when anomalies auto spawn throughout the game. (This may be part of the same issue that effects the above issue)
Question 5 (possible bug): When putting a ship in the shipyard to build, say 5 colony ships so that way one doesn't have to keep going back to select a new ship every time a ship is built, and one gets a new model because of technology being researched, why doesn't the shipyard auto change these ships to the newest make? This would be a pain to have to go in and change the list every time a new make becomes available.
As always thank you.