Just to be fair...here is a comp I was working on for fun.I wouldnt upload it for 2 reasons...I cant remember where I got all the original images(even tho I shopped them so much nobody would ever mistake them for the originals) and its still too rough in some places.
Yes it looks pretty cool but I wanted awesome and I just wasnt quite there with it so I shoved it on a backburner to maybe revisit someday.
Its main problems are right in the center where the 3 roads meet...its just too obvious they were shopped together poorly.There are also some bad cloning going on at the sides of the center road.
While I was proud of the rock sculpturing I painted in by hand...the stone lion faces dont look as good as the faces above.Used the same techniques but it just didnt work there.They need reworking.
The car has a bit of forced perspective on it but its a surreal image so I figured I might get away with it.
The angels sword looks awkwardly placed but I liked the fire I added to it.
Theres more but thats the worst of it.
[URL=http://img831.imageshack.us/i/road13a.jpg/]Reduced 31%Original 1920 x 1200[/URL]
Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
Terrific painting. This could be a really awesome wall. I agree with your own critiques and I have beem using this as my desktop for a while now. I'd like ti suggest some things might try if it was my own.
The joint of the mountains needs to be blurred, Maybe even shift the whole layer to the left. I am assuming the clouds will are on that layer also and will shift with it. It could give a better effect distancing the dark and the white
I would try making the angel a bit smaller and definitely "surrealize" the wand and fire. There seems to be wind blowing the fire. It's hard to find a direction as the shadows don't coincide, i.e. Car, safety guard. Road sign, etc.. Maybe blur the road sign except for Scientology Lounge, which I assume is part of the theme. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.
The car looks like it hovering, edges are too crisp. Did you think of rounding the corners of the road? Maybe a duplicate layer and play with blending options, for the car that is.
I'm still going to keep it on my screen for a while, so I guess I'm complimenting you on your work. All of this pf course are just MHO and things I might try. Impulse dock and Object Dock fit right in, smooth. It looks much better on my screen. Thank you.