This is a very poor work around but after playing around with GF some I wished it allowed a grid display and/or a background image option so one could draw a map and then lay stars/planets over their intended positions on it.
1) Go to the "icons" folder in Galaxy forge.
2) Rename one of the images for a star or planet type you won't use on that map (or can add in later if needed). NOTE: Remember the original name so it can be changed back when desired (I used "RandomNonGreenStar.gif" for example).
3) Create a GIF image in an image editor of your choice and save the GIF with the original name of the object above that you renamed and save that new image to the icons folder in Galaxy Forge.
4) Start up Galaxy Forge and one object of the planet or star type you renamed.
5) Use the pop-up toolbox in Galaxy forge to move the image to the location needed and to resize the galaxy to it as needed (click on a blank spot to get the galaxy size in the toolbox.)
6) Resize the image in your editor if needed and resave it by overwriting your old custom image file in the "icons" folder. Close and reload the file in Galaxy Forge to rthen display the changes.
7) Use the image as a guide to place stars and planets on--it can be a grid, a maze, a star map--whatever you need.
8) When you finish, delete the object used to display the image and restore the original file back to the "icons" folder.
That's it.