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Tactical Estimate revised Stardate 12/23/2009 at 23:08 hours
- To All StarFleet Personel -
Revise earlier estimate - "Project Sacriface of Angels 2 for Sins of a Solar Empire Entrenchment is set for deployment soon" Set condition levels to YELLOW ALERT STATUS. monitor all sensor channels and advise starfleet HQ. All starfleet personel report to duty stations. Activate the SOA2 Directive. All fleet Admirals Report , Send out priority one communicae to all Federation Embassies code-name " Emisary" Attached you will find classified SOA2 material and classified sensor readings . Please standby for further instructions............ Standby Classified sensor report incoming.....
- Report from Classified Tactical long range sensors -
- Dominion Warp signatures detected approaching Starbase 621 from Bajor-
- Dominion Warp signatures detected approaching Starbase 310 from Torga -
- Romulan Warp signatures detected approaching Neutral Zone from Romulan space -
- Klingon Warp signatures detected approaching Deep Space K-7 from Klingon space -
- Closest intercept fleet : 5th Tactical Fleet -
- Closest intercept fleet : 28th Tactical Fleet -
- Closest intercept fleet : 3rd Tactical Fleet -
- Closest intercept fleet : 14th Tactical Fleet -
- Time to intercept TBA hours. -
- Findings - multiple enemy contacts converging on federation space. Advise mobelize all fleets to intercept. Activate Yellow Alert . Notify all member planets. -
- End Report from Classified Tactical long range sensors -
- Advise Tactical situation Multiple enemy contacts , ........ Probable enemy incursion-
Classified Data File and Sensor Readings :

Transmission End....
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