it or not NT made some great skins...then he decided to leave the site for personal reasons. Why is this long time community member/contributor being trashed now? This stuff just gets more and more childish but it seems as though its becoming the norm around here.
Well, all I have to say, and this is my final say on this (and similar) topics.
I don't care what anyone says, WC is NOT a "community" or "family" in the sense that it once was. It's been obvious for quite awhile now that SD is trying to find a reasonable balance between turning it in to a corporate type site that generates revenue and maintaining a sense of community. It's to be expected and I can't fault them for that. In a nutshell, what matters is the money. The company (like most companies) will put their favors to those that make the money for them and not the as much on the people.
Craig, like many others does not want to be part of this changing environment as it is no longer the environment that made it fun to begin with.
Myself,... my WC subscription runs out in 9 days. My ODNT subscription runs out in November. At this point, I don't think that my revenue stream of the past 7 years will be realized by "the company" any longer. I see enough corporate bullshit in my job. I'm not going to experience it in my hobbies.