Ok ! I´m new ! German ! Not involved in all topics and diskussions.
But, before i´m going to comment the opinions above:
I´m very proud of the things you`re evolving !
I loved playing the first SOA Versions and i can`t wait playing the new ones. You`re my Star Trek Gods ! 
Especially the Graphics, the dynamic movement, the authenticity(?right?) and the balancing (in my opinion) make this mod a professional one.
Thanks a lot for all the good work and many ours of playing and feeling like a star trek admiral !
My comment to the diskussion above:
I think, you`re diskussing about the wrong questions. I loved watching Star Trek in all versions all my lifetime, sure, some were greater than the others, but: authenticity (if the word is the right one
) is a keyword for me.
As i see, things are going very right with this mod and i hope, the developers of the mod will not get far away from this line. I think, it`s the right way, to integrate all issues from the movies an series as they´ve been created by the people who created this Universe. That doesn`t mean, that interpretation or other changes arent`t possible. But i think, if you get too far away from "reality" (movies and so on...), the authenticity isn`t there any more. At that point, for me, it doesn`t matter if Janeway`s been a man or not, or if the Intrepid should be able to colonize a world or not, it`s important for the ship to be in the mod and to take part in gameplay.
I especially always loved the ships of the romulan empire. I`m looking forward to get control of these d`deridex-monsters
I think, a good mod get`s it`s magic from the connection between seen pictures (movies, series, and so on) an the possibility to make decisions on your own. If you love intrepid class ships, build only intrepid`s !
I´ll build d´deridex, nexorans and hopefully ONE scimitar ? Is it planned to get the scimitar in the mod ?
Love you all,