its not only the vor'cha
just spam 16 negh'var and its GG for the federation
since the starbases are way too weak now u can just kill it with the 144 brel's u get for free
only thing u have to do is research 16 cap ship slots, +basic crewtraining and train all the 16 neg'var to lvl 4
all of us (4 lan players) like longterm games so we decided to play with about 1h peace time so no rush! that means even a noob could build up a powerful fleet!
we played 3federation on 1 klingon(me) cuz most of the people do prefer the federation but federation is way underpowered so we decided to play 3on1 not 2on2 to make it kinda fair
one battle on a federation ownd planet was really noticable - 1 starbase + defense buildings + about 40 akiras and maybe 20 other fed ships + ~20 federation mixed capitals
vs my 16 negh'var + about 20 vor'cha - i lost 3 negh'var and about 15 vor'cha - fed lost everything including the planet
my suggestion is to lower the amount of the spawning brel's to 1 , 2 , 3
and of course balance the vor'cha and the tech tree..
i love this mod but right now its kinda senseless to play(test) it, its too boring cuz klingons allways win u dont even have to think about what ur doing
2 bird of death vs 2 ambassador + 10 miranda = fed loose all..., klingon maybe loose 1 cap or its only heavy damaged
when u got neg'hvar (i can't write it correct
) its basically game over just pump em and give them some lvls
~3k credits investet in a new negh'var >>>> 15 brel's (ok i make those numbers up but it feels like this)