Quoting Donald Zuchowski,
linux will never take over the consumer market, it is open source, so anyone can find its weakness really easly, if linux was on 90% of the desktops it would be so hacked, it would make xp look like gold. open source people come on, anyone can see the holes.
This is a VERY flawed argument. Anyone can see the holes. 
I'll just take firefox as an example...
- It's open source.
- Is it more secure than IE? Yes.
- Does it have fewer flaws than IE? Not really, they just tend to be less of a problem.
- Is it more hacked than IE? No.
The list can be made very long, but it's easy to see my point here... There are a number of reasons why Linux will not take over the consumer market NOW, but it being open source is definetely not one of them (even though it does slow down the progress a bit, for other reasons).
Just for fun I'll state my favorite reason why Linux will never take over the consumer market:
- Linux is not an operating system. The only thing that can take over the consumer market would be a distribution based on the Linux kernel. (I find that unlikely to happen though, it'll probably be fork of the kernel restructured to be desktop friendly rather than server friendly, then released as desktox, which will be the kernel a "Desktop Linux" will be based on which eventually might take over the consumer market)