Maybe Everflyer will turn evil or something i dont no,. heck why dont you do something.
I think not... I'm into balance pal. Besides I like watching th chaos unraveling. my neutral company will supply your wars

. for a price.
I say in order to help our allies in battle, i prepose we make a device that can warp planets so that we move all of our homeworlds to the same star.
That would take more than just engines... you'd need a radioactive Heat source, a super computer to calculate orbit and distance. Planetary spin. Gravometric measurements. light and heat meassurements.
In short it would be a HUGE task that could take centuries to perfect.
okay Everflyer and freeman it's time to decide what i do with the Arnorian Blade of Light.
Keep it... I kept my blade.
on bored the Enterprise Meeting room CPT Jake Donat:"Ok so what do we do with the crystal do we destroy it or give it to somebody. Midna, Seth she was your daughter, ehat sould we do.We should send the crystal to the Realm of Despair. And if the empires there break it, well it's their problem.
realms closed sorry... Blame the Bentusi for that one.
Menawhile on an unkown planet.
Nelio: It's time we all worked together to destroy Everflyer,Seth and Freeman.
DSep: Yes and our place in the black market shall help suplly us all.
Kzinti Patriarch: Our soldiers will aid your soldiers in battle.
The Great Emperor: With our warships combined with your's our fleets will be unstopable.
Lord Kona: Yes and with my great strategies, we shall always win.
Nelio: It's agreed, we all work together, now prepare your forces and spread out!
Wow last time i was allied with most these guys. Kona gets his regular suppy of Pillage weekly from me

I Go to KP's house for a sentinal speices feast.

I'm aussie like Nelio
GE... well... He's just GE really... I like his empire. he like my company (I think).
DSep is a good trade buddy... We like trading our weapons of mass distruction.
DSep: I'll trade you my Bio-genic warhead for your Ultra planet cooler.
Everflyer: Add in your Sonic granades and I'll accept.