The biggest problem in the States these days is by far the Republican Party! LOL!!! Not only are they fear mongers, war mongers, and idiots (that's obvious), they can only complain about what's wrong with democrats, not come up with any ideas of their own, or offer any solutions to current problems. They are nothing but a bunch of loud mouth know-it-alls. It's time for them to be told to SHUT THE HELL UP!!! First of all, Bush is an idiot and quite possibly the worst president we've ever had (next to another Republican, Hoover). Why just the other day I heard chicken lips say that, "Childrens today need education." Childrens??? Do you mind??? How did this nut ever get elected? Oh, he didn't. The first time around he was appointed by the Supreme Court. I won't even go into the times he's said nukular or how about the old, "More and more imports are coming into the country." All imports come into the country you nut!
Problem one: Bush, ok, that's just a rant. He's a lame duck so it's too late to do anything unless they impeach him (which they should) and then convict him.
Problem two: Immigration. Republicans talk about Dems being weak on immigration. Here I actually see both parties at fault. What should be done is first, change the law that says immigrant children are automatically US citizens. Second, bring the National Guard back from Iraq and put them on the Mexican border with orders to shoot any illegal that tries to cross. Third, build the wall on the Mexican border and use the illegal aliens that are already here to build it...and then throw them over. If they try to cross back over the have the National Guard that is already there shoot them! People say, "Oh, the economy would be far worse off if the illegals were not here." I say that's a cop-out. The country as a whole would be stronger and better off without them! The economy wouldn't be drained by their burden.
Problem two: Dems are weak on national defense. Where the hell did this come from? They have fed this bs down the throats of the media so much that the people actually believe this crap. Who were the Presidents during WWI and WWII? Ever heard of Woodrow Wilson and FDR??? Were they republican or Democrat? Who was, more recently, the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee? Sam Nunn, Democrat. Now, who was the President responsible for the Great Depression? Hoover! And what party was he??? LOL!!!
Problem three: republicans are better for the economy. Yeah, let me get on a tirade about Reaganomics and the trickle-down effect!
Problem four: Iraq. OK, most Dems voted to go into Iraq, but that was after they were lied to. Where are the WMD's? We are over there now so let's take care of business. OK, I'll agree with that, but why don't we just get out of the quagmire Bush has created? Leaving doesn't mean retreating. Leaving means letting the Iraqi's take care of their own country. Here, we took care of saddam. We've built you what we can without getting ourselves blown up too much. But now it's time to be a big boy and take care of yourself. The real solution would be to dissolve the borders of Iraq, create 3 new countries within the current borders, and let the Sunnis, Shia, and Kurds run their own business. Make Baghdad owned by all three. The real solution would be to go find Osama. Remember him?
All right! I'm done. Let's hear whatchya got!