Smiley vs. Avatar
What's your Favorite one ? Post it here
for all to see and ( copy location ) if they want it !
Let's have a little Fun with this and see
which ones are Most popular ..
They can be Funny , Sexy ( keep it clean ) , ugly ,Sad
fonts , sayings , pics, whatever turns ya on ..
For those of you who want to use one just ( Firefox )
right click and click on ( copy image location ) if using
I.E. then right click on properties and copy the full URL
once you've copied the locations or URL's just paste them
into the little white image box atop of these posts, which
are located on any skin in the comments box -
I'll start it out with a couple of my Favorites and add
a few more from time to time ...
Remember keep 'em clean but have Fun with it ,
and by all means Leave comments about any
or what you like or don't like ...
..and " may the Force be with you , on this one )
and Feel free to post more than one if you like . .. Thanks ... AzDude ...
P.S. be sure to post only FREE USE stuff so
that we don't have issues with others and
their work ,being mis-used thanks .